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David Philips

David Philips

SEO that Drives E-commerce Growth.


Boost your online presence with our tailored SEO strategies.​

Boost your online presence with our tailored SEO On-page optimzation.





On-Page SEO Optimization

10 Pages

15 Pages

20 Pages

Title optimization


Meta Description

Image Alt Tags

Schema Markup

Keyword Research




Technical SEO Optimization

Top 10 Errors

Top 15 Errors

Top 20 Errors

Site SEO audit

Index optimization

XML sitemap


Compress images





What our Clients Say


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we understand the importance of cost-effective solutions for businesses managing multiple online properties. As a result, we offer discounted rates for clients with multiple websites. This allows us to cater to your needs while delivering effective SEO services.

While we typically work with fixed pricing structures, we are confident in our ability to deliver results. If you have specific requirements, we are open to discussing alternative pricing models based on your needs and goals.

Transparency is crucial to us. Our pricing plans are all-inclusive, covering all the necessary services and features required for a successful SEO campaign. If there are any additional costs, such as third-party tools or premium content, we will discuss them upfront and include them in the proposal, ensuring there are no surprises or hidden fees.

Yes, we offer flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your pricing plan based on your evolving needs and goals. We understand that businesses may require different levels of support and services over time, and we are committed to providing scalable solutions that grow with your business

Typically, we invoice our clients on a monthly basis, with payment due upon receipt of the invoice. We accept various payment methods such as credit cards, bank transfers, and online payment platforms to make the process as convenient as possible for our clients.

While we cannot guarantee specific results due to the unpredictable nature of search engine algorithms, we are confident in our ability to deliver improvements. If you are not satisfied with our services, we will work closely with you to address any concerns and make necessary adjustments to ensure your satisfaction. Refund policies may vary depending on the specific terms of your agreement.

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